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Nicole Bachmann, 1964, lives near Bern. She works as a clinical psychologist at the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland. She has already published works in the Lou Beck series: Double Blind (Salis Verlag, 2008), Incidence (Salis Verlag, 2010), Endstation Bern (Emons Verlag, 2014). The paperback rights of the earlier Lou Beck crime novels are available. She has written a radio play – a Lou Beck episode – on behalf of Swiss radio. «Weites Land» and «Schöner sterben in Bern» were published in by emons verlag. Nicole Bachmann breaks new ground with “Tagebuch eines Atoms”. The novel, written in the first person, tells the story of Béla and Magda, both outsiders whose lives overlap by chance.

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