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Christina Frosio was born in Zurich in 1963. She is a trained florist, married and mother of two children. After her second training as an assortment bookseller, she now works in a small bookshop in the Lorraine quarter of Berne. Since 2006 she has been writing short stories, which have been published in various magazines and anthologies and for which she has already won several prizes in literary competitions. In 2023, the story collection Salamanderbeine was published by Herausgeber Verlag. In 2024, Christina Frosio was awarded the «Weitererschreiben» scholarship by the City of Bern.

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  • Noch ist nicht Herbst, published 2014 by Offizin Verlag
  • Salamanderbeine, published 2023 by Herausgeber Verlag